Thursday, August 14, 2008

Signage in the Park

Stonework entry to Nature Park

Each time I visit the Nature Park I enjoy the river rock entry on Pasadena Avenue. Occasional graffiti is quickly removed when the Graffiti Hotline (626) 403-7249 is called.

The Nature Park Information Sign, on the other hand, needs some work. It is not water-tight so the poster has warped. The wood stand is subject to graffiti and the plexiglass is scratched and doesn't fit within the frame.

Warped poster in information display

Back of sign is not water tight

Plexiglass is scratched and doesn't keep water out, wood is marred

I have been speaking with a boyscout about taking this project on for his Eagle Scout award. Hopefully we can improve this sign and then take on some of the signage in the park.

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